For the past 25 years, Economic Models has been providing its clients with current economic reports and forecasts, based on its exclusive economic models and extensive expertise. Continuously keeping clients abreast of the latest trends and developments related to their needs, thus allowing them to focus their efforts on business strategies and operations.
Economic Models is best known for its exclusive macroeconomic models used to generate forecasts for fundamental economic indicators such as GDP, wages, employment and personal consumption. Furthermore, Economic Models continuously develops and updates specific industrial and product demand models that form the basis for its broad economic analysis. Among the models developed by the Macroeconomics Division are:
- • Israel Macroeconomic Model;
- • Electricity Demand;
- • Telecommunications Demand;
- • Vehicle Demand;
- • Sea Freight Demand;
- • Energy and Fuel Demand;
- • Consumer Products Demand;
- • Simultaneous Model for Supply and Demand of the Housing Sector;
- • Tourism Industry Model.
Economic Models routinely generates the following reports:
Weekly update – analysis of domestic and international economic trends including principal short-term forecasts such as growth, balance of payments, wages, inflation, interest rate, foreign exchange rates and unemployment.
Trend analysis update – covering macroeconomic forecasts of the real and monetary sectors including overviews of corporate profitability and dominant sectors.
Sector overviews – comprehensive report on the primary sectors of the Israeli economy, encompassing recent developments and performance, international comparisons, growth and demand forecasts for each sector and major sub-sectors.
International economic trends – summary of developments and forecasts for the global economy comprising an overview of leading industrial economies.
Industry analysis – comprehensive development analysis and demand forecasts within a specific sector, including its structure, domestic and international demand, production trends, prices, profitability etc.
Macroeconomic projections for budget preparation – Economic Models provides macroeconomic parameters such as inflation, exchange rate, growth and product demand developments necessary for corporate budget planning.
Economic Outlook – this monthly publication offers a broad overview of major economic indicators and comparisons with neighboring countries.